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Sub-domain as Blogger Custom Domain Name

Sub-domain as Blogger Custom Domain Name

Blogger has been around for quite some years. It was originally created by a company called Pyra Labs, and the service was took over by Google Inc. in 2003. It is in-fact one of the oldest blogging service on the internet. When you register a new Blogger blog, you...
How To Open Google Chrome Advanced Settings Easily

How To Open Google Chrome Advanced Settings Easily

Are you looking for keyboard short-cuts to open any settings dialog in Google Chrome? The fact might come hard on you, but there are currently no keyboard shortcuts that one can employ to open advanced setting options. You will have to click on ‘Customize and control...
How To Change Ownership Of a Blogger Blog?

How To Change Ownership Of a Blogger Blog?

Changing the ownership of Blogger blog (blogspot) is not as complicated as changing the ownership of a self-hosted WordPress blog. All you need to do is to add the person as an author of the blog and promote them to Admin. This might sound simple, however its not as...