Changing the ownership of Blogger blog (blogspot) is not as complicated as changing the ownership of a self-hosted WordPress blog. All you need to do is to add the person as an author of the blog and promote them to Admin. This might sound simple, however its not as simple as it sounds, since there are a lot of other things you need consider to make it a successful ownership transfer. Other things you need to bear in mind includes, Notification email, Custom Domain, Rss, etc. I will discuss about everything that needs to be done to help you make it a successful transfer.
Changing the ownership / Adding a new admin
Your blog is associated with the Google account with which you have created it. To change the ownership, you need give administrative rights to the new owner. Follow the steps below.
1. Log-in to your Blogger account and navigate to Settings > Basic.
2. Under ‘Permissions’ you can see the list of all the blog authors. You will have an option called “+ Add authors” here. Click the link and you will have to enter the Gmail id of the new blog owner and invite the person.
3. Inform the person about the invitation and they will have to open the confirmation email from Blogger and click the link to accept to become the author of the blog.
4. Now from any of the 2 accounts, you can demote the actual account to “Author” from “Admin,” and promote the the new author added in the 2nd step to “Admin” from “Author.”
That’s it, your have successfully changed the ownership of your Blogger blog.
As mentioned earlier, it doesn’t end there. You need to consider a lot of other things to change the ownership completely.
Other issues to consider are,
Old Posts Authorship
For now, there is no setting to change authorship of the posts that were posted by the previous owner. You will also see the previous authors display name in the post section and when you view these blog posts. The only way to change the author name of these posts is to delete them and re-post.
Comment Notification Settings
Change the comment notification in Blogger so that the new owner will be notified when a new comment is posted by a visitor. This can be done on the Settings > Mobile and email sections. You can remove the old email id and update the new one.
Mobile posting
If you have set blog posting thru sms. You should also remove the registered device. So that the previous owner doesn’t have access to post anymore.
Posting from E-Mail
Change the secret word/s so that the old owner will not be able to post from email. You may completely want to disable the option if you want to prevent Mail2Post.
The blog feed might have been burned with Feedburner and chances are that a lot of people are subscribed to the feed. You don’t have to loose all the valuable feed subscribers. You can easily change the Feed ownership by logging in to FeedBurner account.
Custom Domain Name
Blogger has the feature of adding custom domain to the blog. If you are willing to move the ownership of the domain as well. You might have to log-in to the registrar and transfer the domain name to new admins account. You might have to contact your domain registrar if you don’t know how to do it.
You might also have to consider a few more things like, removing tracking codes, like Google Analytics, Good Webmaster, Advertisement codes, Social Networking widgets, custom search, Docs, Videos etc.
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